Lawn Care in Pine Plains NY


Here at Far-View Tree and Lawn Care, the foundation of all our Lawn Programs is fertilization.  Balanced applications of high quality nutrients at specific times throughout the growing season insures that your turf grass is getting what it needs when it needs it.  These nutrients encourage the development of healthy root systems to increase drought and disease resistance as well as give your lawn a lush and vibrant appearance.

Weed, Insect and Disease Control

In our region of the northeast, Grubs and Chinch Bugs are two of the most common and destructive insect pests of lawns.  At certain times of year, weather conditions promote the development of diseases that cause browning and dead spots on otherwise healthy looking turf.  And throughout the year, plants like Crabgrass, Dandelions, Nutsedge, and a host of others, can invade your lawn and outcompete desirable grasses.  At Far-View Tree and Lawn Care, our Lawn Programs can protect your lawn from all these problems, and keep your grass healthy and green.



At Far-View Tree and Lawn Care we say selecting the right mixture of grass seed makes all the difference in the world.  We use the highest quality certified seed, which contains the latest varieties of grasses selected for their color, texture, and hardiness.  We analyze the specific characteristics of your property, such as sun and shade, soil structure and drainage, and the availability of water, to determine the right blend to create and maintain a beautiful lawn. 

Core Aeration

Here at Far-View Tree and Lawn Care we provide Core Aeration!  Core Aeration involves making holes in the lawn to allow oxygen, water and nutrients to get down to the turf roots. Aerating is especially important for sod lawns, as it reduces thatch buildup, encourages rooting, and improves disease resistance.  Core Aeration is often done in conjunction with overseeding, which is a great way it increase the thickness of your lawn and introduce better varieties of turf grass.  

Whether you are in Pine Plains, Dutchess and Columbia counties or the surrounding areas in the Hudson Valley, contact Far-View Tree and Lawn to schedule a free quote! (914) 391-9970